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Other labels 23
GNU Mailman
Related to the REST protocol use for communication with the Mailman core. You probably should not use this; such issues usually are specific to mailmanclient.
GNU Mailman / Postorius
Appearance, usually related to Django templates and widget choice.
GNU Mailman
Requires little knowledge of Mailman internals to work on. Related to, but different from, "easy".
GNU Mailman / Postorius
Changes need to implemented in Mailman core, mailmanclient or another project before this can be fixed
GNU Mailman
Requires little time and effort if you have requisite knowledge. Related to but different from "beginner-friendly".
GNU Mailman
Internationalization, including words that should be translated but aren't (bug) and languages that aren't available at all (wishlist).
GNU Mailman / Postorius
Report is incomplete or not reproducible and a query has been sent to the OP. (If you tried the OP and didn't get a response, close as either INVALID or WONTFIX.)
GNU Mailman / Postorius
Project should not be released without a fix for this issue. *This label is property of the project lead. Do not use it without discussing with a project lead.*
GNU Mailman / Postorius
This task can be repeated by many people and still be useful (e.g. adding tests), so don't close it without discussion.
GNU Mailman / Postorius
Any time the software allows you to do something you don't think you should be able to do, including crashing the program.