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  • Jan van Dijk's avatar
    Systematize inclusion of external code · a29d6799
    Jan van Dijk authored
    All external code (nlohmann, tk_spline, pybind11_json, plasimo)
    now appears in subdirectories with these names in the directory
    external/. That directory replaces the old directories pi_support/
    and plutil/
    magnumpi/consts.h now populates a namespace magnumpi::constants
    with the relevant constants (pi, physical constants in SI base units),
    using the contents of external/plasimo/plmath/consts.h. The directory
    structure inside external/plasimo may appear to be a bit overkill,
    but has the very practical advantage that it replicates the structure
    of the PLASIMO code, making it much easier to do code comparisons.
    The directories external and external/plasimo are in the include path,
    so you can write something like '#include "nlohmann/json.h"' or
    '#include "plmath/fft.h"' in the C++ code.