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Properly shut down the ssl connection in m2urllib2

Without this change, the following code did not properly shut down the ssl connection:

opener = m2urllib2.build_opener()
f =<url>)

That is, f.close() did not result in a shut down of the ssl connection. The reason for this depends on the python version:

  • python2: The SSL.Connection.makefile(...) returns a socket._fileobject instance, which was instantiated with close=False. Hence, calling close() on the socket._fileobject instance does not yield to a close() of the wrapped ssl connection.

  • python3: In m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler.https_open, the httplib.HTTPResponse instance was wrapped in a socket.SocketIO instance, but its _decref_socketios function was a NOP. Hence, calling close() on the socket.SocketIO instance does not yield to a close() of the wrapped http response, which would eventually result in a shut down of the ssl connection.

In order to fix this, we introduce the m2urllib2.RefCountingSSLConnection class and the m2urllib2._makefile function. Moreover, we adapt the httpslib.HTTPSConnection class to support a custom ssl connection class.

Additionally, this fixes the sock leak that was documented in the tests.Urllib2SSLClientTestCase.test_urllib2_leak testcase (now, renamed to test_urllib2_no_sock_leak).

Fixes: ("Not closing the SSL connection causes osc to hang in libcrypto")

Edited by Matěj Cepl

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