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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.0.3
    f312123b · Version 0.0.3 ·
    * Added STAR voting
    * Renamed suffragium.score to suffragium.cardinal
    * plurality now counts using the highest-ranked candidate on a ballot,
      rather than the candidate with rank 1
    * ranked-pairs and schulze are now multimethods, like copeland
    * Removed priority-maps dependency
    * The use of priority maps has been replaced with array-maps
    * Most voting functions now take a :tbrc argument, which the resulting
      array-map will respect in a tie
    * Where functions defaulted to a sorted list of candidates as a tbrc they
      now default to a complete but unspecified order (fixes cases where the
      candidates could not be sorted)
    * Renamed cont= to freq=
    * Fixed bug where candidates in irv with the same final total could be
      ordered incorrectly
  • v0.0.2
    136c99de · v0.0.2 ·
    * ssv now returns a list of candidate preferences
  • v0.0.1
    da720a16 · Update project.clj ·