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1.1.1 - Internationalization

Luna Lucadou requested to merge development into master

This version adds the following:

  • Internationalization and localization - numbers are now automatically formatted according to the user's locale, and the application can now be easily translated into other languages (closes #4 (closed))
  • In the changelog, conditions to be noted on all future releases when additional work is required to upgrade the application beyond just a "git pull"

It changes the following:

  • Updated readme - reorganized some sections, some rewording, and also wrote about internationalization

It removes the following:

  • Pipfile.lock - caused nothing but trouble when your dev environment is different from testing/prod (Ubuntu 18.04 vs 20.04), and when targeting multiple Python versions (closes #6 (closed))

It will be merged when the following are complete:

  • Changes have been tested (if applicable)
  • New screenshots have been taken (if applicable)
  • The changelog includes the upgrade path
  • A git tag for the new version has been added and pushed
  • The application version has been bumped in the layout template footer
Edited by Luna Lucadou

Merge request reports