Clef: Use `extra-space` for distances to time and key signatures
Avoid horizontally oversized regression tests
This improves viewing of
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changes.tely: Avoid overlong line
Clef: Use
for distances to time and key signaturesDespite of being only three modified lines, this is a huge change, affecting a lot of scores.
Here is a table of old and new widths as reported by
(at 20pt staff size).clef + time sig old new difference comment treble
7.70 7.55 -1.6% bass
7.70 7.66 0% alto
7.70 7.70 +0.5% GG
7.70 9.05 +17.9% was far too narrow varC
7.70 7.23 -5.6% petrucci-c3
7.70 5.98 -21.8% was far too wide The results for 'clef + key sig' are very similar.
Note that, as before, the widest clef in a staff group determines the horizontal position of all clefs in a system; this means, for example, that a piano score containing a treble and a bass clef doesn't change at all.
Fixes issue #3598 (closed).
Merge request reports
assigned to @lemzwerg
added Patchnew label
- Edited by Werner Lemberg
- Resolved by Werner Lemberg
Regarding regression tests: Almost everything changes. Note that it's hard to browse them; there are limits that prevent the loading of all images in one rush; it's probably one of the rare moments where it's easiest to download the test results (58.8MByte).
I've checked the changes in detail offline; everythings seems to be as expected.
added Patchreview label and removed Patchnew label
- Resolved by Werner Lemberg
On the whole, this is a major improvement! Comparing the two images above, I also think that the first one (with alto clef +0%) looks better than the second one, and I think it’s a very reasonable change to make, even with the sweeping impact on most scores. Avoiding change just because it will be widely noticeable adds a moment of inertia to the project that’s not inherently helpful, provided the changes are well-reasoned. If we knew that the current values are indeed based on the alto clef’s width, we should definitely change spacing for the treble clef.
On the other hand, the scope of this MR is the relative spacing of different clefs, not the absolute spacing of any clef, so taking a conservative approach and opening a new issue regarding absolute values for
seems fair. After all, those absolute values are also easily changed in a stylesheet, and overall density of horizontal spacing is definitely a matter of style.
added Patchcountdown label and removed Patchreview label
added Patchpush label and removed Patchcountdown label
added Patchcountdown label and removed Patchpush label
added 1 commit
- ea60917e - Clef: Use `extra-space` for distances to time and key signatures
added Patchnew label and removed Patchcountdown label
Since the opinions are almost equally split between preferring the treble clef or preferring the alto clef, I came to the conclusion that perhaps something in-between is the best solution, and here it is: Now the bass clef stays unchanged, and the differences for treble and alto clefs are minimized.
added 39 commits
ea60917e...ca8e27f1 - 36 commits from branch
- aa69b34e - Avoid horizontally oversized regression tests
- 6609426f - changes.tely: Avoid overlong line
- a71e824e - Clef: Use `extra-space` for distances to time and key signatures
Toggle commit list-
ea60917e...ca8e27f1 - 36 commits from branch