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  • Jonas Hahnfeld's avatar
    Issue 5949: Add option to use Ghostscript API instead of forking · ddfd0b4f
    Jonas Hahnfeld authored
    This is much more efficient than the current scheme when converting
    many PostScript files, for example when building the documentation.
    For the Notation Reference, lilypond-book now takes ~2m30s instead
    of 5m to compile all snippets from the notation.tely file. Other
    manuals benefit less, but still the time for 'make doc' on my system
    improves by one third from around 33m to 22m.
    An alternative would have been to always call gsapi_init_with_args
    with the same arguments used until now. This indeed works and avoids
    the overhead of forking, but the instance cannot be reused. Calling
    gsapi_new_instance -> gsapi_init_with_args -> gsapi_delete_instance
    for every conversion still means a lot of overhead and a prototype
    suggested only a small gain compared to the previous solution.
    This is not the default because recent versions of Ghostscript are
    distributed under the AGPL and it's unclear what the implications of
    linking to the library is. If bu...