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new docker build supporting edo and static binary

Tom Jack requested to merge redocker into dev

Proof of concept of building static binaries in Docker w/ reasonable caching and supporting Edo.

I didn't actually switch to Edo in this commit, but if rebased over Edo upgrade, it works To run docker build(and tests), creating a container, and extracting the ligo binary:

docker build . -t ligo:alpine
docker container run -itd  --name ligo-container ligo:alpine
docker cp ligo-container:/root/ligo .

TODO (not urgent I guess) What do we do about docker-large ? see #205 (closed)

The .gitlab.yml stages has changed a little bit (added comments in the stages declarations

nix build has been trimmed of all the "code building" targets but is still used for the changelog, building the website...

relates to #1094 (closed)

Edited by Rémi

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