fix(aggregation): on includes, don't include the module environment
Motivation and Context
Closes: #2163 (closed)
Example program:
module Test1 = Test.Next
module C = struct
[@entry] let f () () : operation list * unit = [], ()
let test =
let orig = Test1.originate (contract_of C) () 0tez in
let _c = Test1.to_contract orig.taddr in
Instrumenting the interpreter a bit I got the following trace:
loc: File "test.mligo", line 9, characters 29-39
expr: orig#2286.taddr
record': {addr = KT1MoPRoithHNa7i6LYHqeQfZB4oyWThinnS ; code = { parameter unit ;
storage unit ;
code { DROP ; UNIT ; NIL operation ; PAIR } } ; size = 30}
Uncaught exception:
("Map.find_exn: not found"
(Label taddr (File (test.mligo:9:34 test.mligo:9:39)))))
The interpreter was trying to access the label .taddr in the record:
{addr = KT1MoPRoithHNa7i6LYHqeQfZB4oyWThinnS ; code = { parameter unit ;
storage unit ;
code { DROP ; UNIT ; NIL operation ; PAIR } } ; size = 30}
Unsurprisingly, this is a fatal error since taddr
doesn't exist in this record. Looking at the result of aggregation, it appears that Test1.originate
was resolving to the old Test.originate
instead of Test.Next.originate
-- which returns a record without taddr
So, the bug lies with aggregation. Looking at the aggregation pass, a subtle bug exists in Data.include_
let include_ : t -> t -> t =
fun data to_include ->
(* TODO: would be smart to use map .. ughh .. *)
let exp =
(* Filter variables shadowed by the include *)
List.filter data.env.exp ~f:(fun x ->
@@ List.exists to_include.env.exp ~f:(fun new_ ->
Value_var.equal x.old new_.old))
let mod_ =
(* Filter module variables shadowed by the include *)
List.filter data.env.mod_ ~f:(fun x ->
@@ List.exists to_include.env.mod_ ~f:(fun new_ ->
{ env = { exp = to_include.env.exp @ exp; mod_ = to_include.env.mod_ @ mod_ }
; content = data.content @ [ new_global_decl (Incl to_include.content) ]
Namely, while include should update the content of the Data IR, it shouldn't update the environment env with the exception of the declarations defined in the content. This is because we could have something like this:
let x = 1
module A = struct
let y = 2 + x
let x = "Hello world"
include A
The environment for A
would be { exp = [ "x"; "y" ]; ... }
, including would thus overwrite let x = "Hello world"
, even though we only want to include y
The offending line in my std_lib.mligo that causes this error is:
let originate = Originate.contract
let failwith = Assert.failwith
include Typed_address
Including Typed_address
overwrites originate with Test.originate
which is in the environment of Typed_address
since Typed_address
is defined after it in the Test
You can easily verify this behaviour by swapping the order of the include and the let originate:
include Typed_address
let originate = Originate.contract
let failwith = Assert.failwith
The fix is surprisingly simple, we only include the module's content and not it's environment in Data.include_
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