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[#2098] Implement inlay hints for inferred types

Motivation and Context


Our LSP server lacks of inlay hints handler. Let's implement it.


Implement this handler. Some notes on how it works:

  • Collect types for lambdas in for generating inlay hints for them.
  • Process every variable definition.
    • If it has a resolved type then show an inlay hint for it
    • If it has a core type then decide should show it or not (some definitions have core types even if they don't have an annotation in the code)
    • For unresolved types we don't show anything.
  • Handle some exceptional cases (e.g. types for function definitions)

For more information read the comments in

Related issues

Resolves #2098 (closed) .

Checklist for the LIGO Language Server

  • I checked whether I need to update the file for the plugin and did so if necessary:
    • If I implemented a new LSP request, I added it to the list of supported features that may be disabled
    • If I implemented a new LSP method, I added it to the list of supported functionality
  • I checked that my changes work in Emacs, Vim, and Visual Studio Code
  • (Before merging) The commit history is squashed and prettified, and follows the Serokell commit policy, or the MR is set to squash the commits



  • compiler
  • website
  • webide
  • vscode-plugin
  • debugger

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
  • Performance improvement (non-breaking change that improves performance)
  • None (change with no changelog)


Add a support for inlay hints in LSP. Now you can see type annotation hints in your code.


  • Changes follow the existing coding style (use dune @fmt to check).
  • Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / feature).
  • Documentation has been updated.
  • Changelog description has been added (if appropriate).
  • Start titles under ## Changelog section with #### (if appropriate).
  • There is no image or uploaded file in changelog
  • Examples in changed behaviour have been added to the changelog (for breaking change / feature).
Edited by Leonid Vasilev

Merge request reports
