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[#1985] Optimize scope completions

Leonid Vasilev requested to merge dk318/#1985-optimize-scope-completions into dev

Motivation and Context


In big contracts scope completions are too slow. This is because the algorithm which gets scopes has O(defs^3) time complexity. Let's fix that.


This algorithm consists of 2 stages:

  1. Find scopes with variables.
  2. Replace all variables with actual definitions.

The first stage goes fast (one traversal of Ast_core definitions). The second one is the bottleneck but it works fast for one scope.

LSP uses scopes only for completions. Moreover, it needs only one specific scope.

Taking these points into account, we can implement a faster algorithm:

  1. Calculate light scopes.
  2. Pick the interesting one.
  3. Inline variables there.

Related issues

Resolves #1985 (closed) .

Checklist for the LIGO Language Server

  • I checked whether I need to update the file for the plugin and did so if necessary:
    • If I implemented a new LSP request, I added it to the list of supported features that may be disabled
    • If I implemented a new LSP method, I added it to the list of supported functionality
  • I checked that my changes work in Emacs, Vim, and Visual Studio Code
  • (Before merging) The commit history is squashed and prettified, and follows the Serokell commit policy, or the MR is set to squash the commits



  • compiler
  • website
  • webide
  • vscode-plugin
  • debugger

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
  • Performance improvement (non-breaking change that improves performance)
  • None (change with no changelog)


Improve performance for scope completions. Now they're working significantly faster.


  • Changes follow the existing coding style (use dune @fmt to check).
  • Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / feature).
  • Documentation has been updated.
  • Changelog description has been added (if appropriate).
  • Start titles under ## Changelog section with #### (if appropriate).
  • There is no image or uploaded file in changelog
  • Examples in changed behaviour have been added to the changelog (for breaking change / feature).

Merge request reports
