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Monomorphisation: add a better error message

E. Rivas requested to merge er433/fix/monomorphise-error into dev

Motivation and Context

Monomorphisation cannot treat non-variable instantiations (which was guaranteed by previous typer).


This MR adds a better message for monomorphisation error until we come up with a better strategy for monomorphisation.

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
  • Performance improvement (non-breaking change that improves performance)
  • None (change with no changelog)


Before change

$ cat monomorphisation_fail.mligo 
let f (_ : unit) s = ([], s)

let main ((p, s) : unit * unit) : operation list * unit = f p s
$ ligo compile contract monomorphisation_fail.mligo 
Internal error: Monomorphisation: cannot resolve non-variables with instantiations


After change

$ cat monomorphisation_fail.mligo 
let f (_ : unit) s = ([], s)

let main ((p, s) : unit * unit) : operation list * unit = f p s
$ ligo compile contract monomorphisation_fail.mligo 
File "monomorphisation_fail.mligo", line 3, characters 58-63:
  2 | 
  3 | let main ((p, s) : unit * unit) : operation list * unit = f p s

Cannot monomorphise the expression.



  • Changes follow the existing coding style (use dune @fmt to check).
  • Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / feature).
  • Documentation has been updated.
  • Changelog description has been added (if appropriate).
  • Examples in changed behaviour have been added to the changelog (for breaking change / feature).
Edited by E. Rivas

Merge request reports