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PPX: add ppx_poly_constructor for errors

E. Rivas requested to merge er433/ppx/errors into dev

This MR uses a custom PPX to remove helper functions used in

Typically, we have a type declaration:

type Self_ast_imperative = [
  | `Self_ast_imperative_bad_set_param_type of (constant' * expression)
  | `Self_ast_imperative_no_shadowing of location

and then many defs. (one per constructor):

let bad_set_param_type c e = `Self_ast_imperative_bad_set_param_type (c,e)
let no_shadowing l = `Self_ast_imperative_no_shadowing l

Instead, we can derive defs. from the type declaration using poly_constructor:

type Self_ast_imperative = [
  | `Self_ast_imperative_bad_set_param_type of (constant' * expression)
  | `Self_ast_imperative_no_shadowing of location
] [@@deriving poly_constructor { prefix = "self_ast_imperative_" }]
  • has a changelog entry
Edited by E. Rivas

Merge request reports