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Store information about expired deliveries in an auxiliary table

Leandro Santiago requested to merge feature/52_refactor_expiring_storage into develop

Ref #478

The idea is not to update the last record for a queue the deliverydb table, as once we have multiple workers in the tracking package handling the logs (a work in progress, right now blocked due a bug in the logic), as a way to improve the performance of the tracking, we will have inconsistent data, as each worker will think that the delivery they are handling is the last one.

As a positive side-effect, the dashboard will show the same info as on the version 1.6.1, where no expired logs shown in the delivery status pie chart, which might confuse the users until we implement such feature properly.

I have not yet figured out how to mimic the previous behaviour on the detective query to continue showing the last delivery a queue as expired, though.

Edited by Leandro Santiago

Merge request reports