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NGI0 - Updating licensing aspects according REUSE

Lina Ceballos requested to merge lnceballos/controlcenter:master into develop


We have been working within the NGI0 framework, helping projects with their licensing and copyright management. After a quick check on your repository, I would like to propose some updates regarding copyright and licensing information according to the REUSE Specifications. The REUSE specifications intend to make licensing easier by setting one way to display all this legal information through comment headers on source files that can be human - and machine – readable.

The REUSE tool makes the process of applying licenses to files and compliance checking much easier. Check this screencast:

Feel completely free to adopt these specifications by merging this pull request and to follow up on that!

REUSE Features:

  • SPDX copyright and license comment headers for all relevant files.

  • LICENSES directory with the licenses used on the repository.

  • Licensing and copyright display of image files. Please be aware that I licensed the image files in the image/ directory. So please keep in mind that if your project has more image files you will have to proceed in the same way. I licenced these files under the general license of the project AGPL-3.0. However, if you want to change the license please change that info in the headers and also add the new license text to the LICENSES directory in the root of your project.

Files missing copyright and licensing information:

I added the comment headers with copyright and license information to the files in the directories insights/ and util/ to serve as example of how to apply headers following REUSE specifications. So in the case you want to implement theses specifications, we kindly ask you to proceed with the rest of the directories in the same way. Please also check the recommendations sent by email regarding dep5 file

As good practice; I added header and provided license information to README file.

Please also double check if the personal information in the headers is correct and consistent, in the case of several copyright holders please update that information in the headers.

No contribution policy:

We have noticed that your project does not have a contribution policy. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to implement one. To get further information about this please check our documentation:

Further REUSE compliance

In case you find REUSE useful, we offer a wide range of tools to help you to continuously check and display compliance with the REUSE guidelines.

Hope that helps and thank you very much for the amazing job!

Merge request reports