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consolidate derivative options

Lori A. Burns requested to merge loriab/libxc:derhandle_1 into master
  • TODO rebase and incorporate LXC_ECONOMY after !606
  • consolidates the four (soon to be 5) derivative option controls into one with allowed values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4e, 4. This simplifies all the negative logic. This should be safe (non-API-breaking) to merge since if any of the old options is given, it gets processed into the consolidated option.
  • adds derivative components to LibxcConfig.cmake so one can detect an installation that meets usage needs.
  • new option is named LIBXC_MAX_DERIV. On namespacing and casing, I'm going with excerpt from Craig Scott's Professional CMake, 14th Ed.:
Cache variables are yet another place where using project-specific names is advisable. This avoids unintended coupling of the behavior of two different projects that happen to use the same cache variable name. A recommended strategy is to prefix cache variable names with the project name in uppercase, followed by an underscore.

Merge request reports