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cmake maintenance

Lori A. Burns requested to merge loriab/libxc:feb2023cmake into master
  • allow meaningful ENABLE_XHOST=OFF for PGI #422, though perhaps it'd be more consistent to warn in words that ENABLE_XHOST only adds arch targeting flags
  • sorry, I had already made the edits when I realized #444 already had a proposed solution with !604 . I thought I'd post anyways, then you can choose as you like.
    • fills in version variables. (unless now would be a good time to drop
    • REMOVED prepares alias targets
    • SKIPPED namespacing options unaddressed. I'm indifferent on project-unique options, but I have real reservations on namespacing standard cmake variables. Settling dual input like BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and Libxc_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS in unwieldy cmake seems harder than using the standard var and letting it propagate through the projects or, if fine control wanted, building each project separately.
Edited by Lori A. Burns

Merge request reports