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  • Tim Wiederhake's avatar
    cpu_map: Rewrite feature sync script · 064e77aa
    Tim Wiederhake authored
    Previously, the script would only detect differences between
    libvirt's and qemu's list of x86 features, adding those features
    to libvirt was a manual and error prone procedure.
    Replace with a script that can generate libvirt's feature list
    directly from qemu source code.
    Usage: [--output OUTPUT] [qemu]
    If not specified otherwise, "output" defaults to x86_features.xml
    in the same directory as If a checkout
    of the qemu source code resides next to the libvirt directory, it
    will be found automatically and need not be specified.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTim Wiederhake <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJiri Denemark <>