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TLE/OMM support, refactored codebase, tests

Adithya Venkateswaran requested to merge feature/tle_support into master

Welcome to the next iteration of vinvelivaanilai!!

We bring you:

  1. TLE and OMM support from the good guys at celestrak (learn more at
  2. Refactored codebase. You will now know where you are (° ͡ ͜ʖ° ͡)
  3. Test this and lint that with tox, gitlab-ci. (Presented to you by flake8, pylint, isort, black and pytest, 5 tools for all your needs)

All suggestions are welcome and remember, as the title suggests, it is still a WIP!

UPDATE 29/06/2020:

The tests for influxdb are not working properly with gitlab (dind problems). Ref: and

Tests for influxdb will hence be carried out manually.

To run tests, run: tox in the root directory of the project.

(Alternatively tox -e pytest would be enough as well!)

UPDATE 30/06/2020-01/07/2020: Coverage is now at 88% 💪 (locally, including influxdb tests) and 74% in GitLab

Edited by Adithya Venkateswaran

Merge request reports