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Final fix with tests for LUI-45 [Forgot Password Form Leaks Valid Usernames]

Saptarshi Purkayastha requested to merge pull/31/LUI-45-bholagabbar into master

Created by: bholagabbar

This is the Final Fix for the Leakage of Usernames that was occurring when a user clicked on the 'forgotPassword' link.

The Issue: Whenever a hacker enters the name of a random user, and the user is valid, his/her secret question is shown. This is a major vulnerability that had to be addressed.

The Fix: The solution is to ask ANY user a secret question. If the user is invalid, a random Fake Secret Question is asked whose answer is always false and will not the user pass, locking him out after 5 tries. This secret question is assigned on the basis of the hashvalue of the entered username.

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