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Fixes issue #68 Individual and Facility options while logging in

Mehul Kumar requested to merge Mehul-Kumar-27/lh-mhbs-eceb:userRole into development

I have created an additional field in the user profile stored in the Hive storage that stores the role assigned to the user. This enables necessary segregation to be implemented using the user profile data. To obtain the user role, I have added an API call to /api/userRoles/<userRoleId>. The userRoleId is obtained during the authentication of the user and can be stored in the user profile.

With the user role information available in the user profile's hive storage, we can now easily segregate users based on their role. For example, we can restrict access to certain features or pages based on the user's role. To access the user role information in our code, we can simply read the userRole field from the user profile stored in Hive.

Merge request reports