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Rocky Linux: Change URLs of ISOs to clear and concise name

Louis Abel requested to merge nazunalika/osinfo-db:update-rocky-data into main

Rocky Linux Release Engineering will be deprecating the use of Rocky-ARCH-TYPE.iso in a future release in favor of the already existing Rocky-X-latest-ARCH-TYPE.iso. The formerly mentioned symbolic link was determined to:

  • Be a duplicate of Rocky-X-latest-ARCH-TYPE.iso
  • Not point out what major version it actually reflects
  • Be confusing to both Rocky Linux project members and end users as to what it's for and its purpose, despite a README explanation.

This particular symbolic link will be deprecated in a future release and eventually removed altogether.

Historically, Rocky-X-latest-ARCH-TYPE.iso has existed as a symlink to the latest ISO. This was originally made when Rocky Linux needed to remake ISO's in the past due to kernel updates or other deficiencies that were found post-release not found in prior testing. This formatted name is consistent across current major releases, which allows it to be used by both osinfo-db/libvirt and other users alike.

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