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RFE: os: add fake 'generic' os

Cole Robinson requested to merge crobinso/osinfo-db:generic into master

This is a synthetic OS that means 'no defaults'. This can be useful for apps to use as a placeholder API object, still interacting with the libosinfo API. virt-install already implements something similar

This is less compelling than the linuxXXXX entries IMO but still may be something useful to add. It's not too hard to work around this using the API to create an empty Os instance but maybe we can just standardize a convention for it to save apps some effort.

Despite that we already have 'generic' name in virt-install/virt-manager I'm not tied to that name (and actually use of it causes some mild problems for virt-install that I had to work around in virt-manager.git). Other possible names:

  • none
  • empty
  • unknown
  • default

Those all have different semantic considerations though. Out of those my favorite is probably empty

@felipeborges I'm interested if this has any use for boxes too, if yall are doing something similar there already

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