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Un-deprecate idn2_to_ascii_4i and make it NUL terminate output.

The API idn2_to_ascii_4i was deprecated in version 2.1.1 released in 2019-02-08. In that release, the API was also modified to not NUL-terminate the output. That is contrary to the old libidn2 behaviour, the behaviour of libidn's API idna_to_ascii_4i, and the API documentation for the function. Since we are not likely to ever break backwards API/ABI compatibility in libidn2, and the deprecated gaurds leads to some trouble (see report in !93 (closed)) we decided to un-deprecate this function, as supporting it is not costly and the majority of code that cares about conformance has likely been modified. This will fix the error code and NUL termination report by Yegor Bychin in #100 (closed). We still encourage you to use the replacement API/ABI idn2_to_ascii_4i2 instead, when appropriate.

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