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Reorganized file tree to remove unnecessary apps and files

Alex Gleason requested to merge reorganize into master

Created by: marykatefain

Files previously under the /liberation app have been moved to /core, where they make much more sense. Liberation App has been deleted. Extra files under the /database app have been deleted. A lot of this was just stuff that was automatically generated when I first installed wagtail and didn't know what I was doing. I think it's at least better now, even if not the ideal organization. Fixes #38 (closed).

Apps now include:

  • core: The backbone of the website and all it's content and data
  • database: Currently mostly empty, this will be where we build out the New Activist Database concept.
  • events: Exactly what it sounds like, event listing
  • website: The front-facing website components including the wagtail CMS.

Merge request reports