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Added condition to user scope for missing speakers report.

James Mason requested to merge membrq:user-access-to-unregistered-speakers into master

Created by: membrq


  • I have read the Contribution & Best practices Guide.
  • My branch is up-to-date with the upstream master branch.
  • The tests pass locally with my changes.
  • I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works(if appropriate).
  • I have added necessary documentation (if appropriate).

Short description of what this resolves/which issues does this fix?:

  • #1942 User with accepted track request can see unregistered speakers of all events.

Changes proposed in this pull request:

  • Added condition that checks whether the signed-in user and the missing speaker have an event in common. If they do, the missing speaker should be displayed in the missing speakers report.

This is a WIP. Let me know if any of my assumptions about the issue are incorrect.

Merge request reports