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Skip DoubleScan modes and use the preferred mode.

David Rubio requested to merge Kodehawa/disman:randr-skip-double into master

This causes issues such as #32 (closed) (issue explanation: #32 (comment 435683218)), and xrandr itself does filter them since 2008 (!), so it's probably good practice to skip DoubleScan (32) modes, as they're useless in modern monitors.

This was confirmed to work.

Also pick the preferred rate instead of the highest available one. Picking the highest one causes issues for monitors that advertise preferred modes lower than the highest available monitor (say, give a 165Hz mode, but prefer 144Hz while 165Hz is "overclocking"). This isn't exactly a edge case nowadays, so this commit just picks the preferred mode as advertised by the monitor, instead of the highest available one, which could cause problems.

This also causes issues with CRTs, specially 640x480 CRTs usually advertise 800x600 modes that look a little blurry or garbled. I'm fairly sure no one uses a 640x480 CRT in 2020[1], but who knows.

Fixes #32 (closed). Fixes #35 (closed)

Edited by David Rubio

Merge request reports