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  • Bos Eriko Reyes's avatar
    Feature: Firebase Integration (#41) · 07b83696
    Bos Eriko Reyes authored
    # Story Title
    Feature: Firebase Integration
    ## Changes made
    - install jwt
    - add firebase verifier service
    - use firebase verifier to get current_user
    - add environment specific cred editor
    - add firebase project id properly
    - add firebase_project_id to creds
    - get token from the proper url
    - update current_user context to create a user if it doesn't exist
    - remove redundant declaration of decoded_token and simplify error
    - remove create and sign_in in favor of firebase authentication
    - add firebase_user_id to user model
    - remove devise in favor of firebase
    ## How does the solution address the problem
    This PR will add Firebase Integration for authorization