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  • David Benjamin's avatar
    Update to yasm 1.3.0. · 013500cc
    David Benjamin authored
    Our previously cherry-picked patches are now in 1.3.0. I've (re-)applied
    the following patches.
    - The old CHROMIUM.diff to remove __DATE__ dependency.
    - genmodule was previously patched to add an output argument.
      This was reapplied and then tweaked so the output argument is
      optional, so upstream's build still works. (That simplifies
      the update process in Chromium.)
    - genperf prints something to stderr on some non-fatal errors.
      This has been patched out.
    - was previously patched to add an output
      argument. This was discarded because the Chromium build will
      use upstream's pre-generated files, to simplify the build
      and align with upstream.
    The patches themselves are in because
    README.chromium and the patches are in a different repository.
    Bug: 753886
    Change-Id: I50c6fa5eebf0e24e4e7ea0ee597a43941b275fec
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