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  • Fatih Acet's avatar
    Merge branch 'create-mr-banner' into 'master' · fc90db7c
    Fatih Acet authored
    MR banner & flash notices updates
    ### What does this MR do?
    * Moves the create MR banner below subnav
    * Changes MR banner background to white
    * Moves flash notices underneath subnav
    * Adds container within flash notices to align with content
    Closes #22767 
    ### Why was this MR needed?
    It looked a bit out of place between the two navs & had unneeded spacing.
    ### Screenshots (if relevant)
    <img src="/uploads/c1676a1923893a7ba7e1c6d6a50d4ea6/Screen_Shot_2016-09-09_at_7.17.31_PM.png" width="800px">
    <img src="/uploads/74a2d6c8c43b9a15cd535a2a7adb2685/Screen_Shot_2016-09-28_at_3.41.29_PM.png" width="800px">
    <img src="/uploads/285e3de31326c48de43bb48abd4d907c/Screen_Shot_2016-09-29_at_10.57.55_AM.png" width="800px">
    <img src="/uploads/0877e3e45755e5ca36694c52ad2e6198/Screen_Shot_2016-09-29_at_10.56.04_AM.png" width="800px">
    With both alert and broadcast message:
    See merge request !6581
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