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Don't translate examples of platform messages

Edwin den Boer requested to merge ProkhorZ/kovri-docs:examples into master

This refers to text in the "Sending your work" section of, but most of these languages are still using

Since the project communicates in English, examples of commit titles and references in commit messages should be left in English. Overview:

  • Translation of these examples reverted to English in the Italian and Spanish documents.
  • The Danish text used examples in English, but accidentally copied or between two examples. Replaced by eller, one of the two Danish words I know, thanks to Søren Kierkegaard.
  • Edit: I also used 'or' in the Italian text, corrected in the second commit.
  • The French text used examples in English, but there was an unrelated typo in this section in the heading "Soyez courtois ave le git-log".

Paging @erciccione for Italian and translation issues.

Edited by Edwin den Boer

Merge request reports