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More details in model and API.

Daniel requested to merge 91-get-more-initiative-information into main

This is a bit bigger merge. It updates the db model and api to handle more details about initiatives and streamlines things a bit.

The details additionally handled are:

  • Contact details (phone, mail, social media, …)
  • all image sizes
  • short description

On the way, a few other things were improved/changed:

  • All localized content is now in one table (InitiativeTranslations) instead of InitiativeTitleText and InitiativeDescription.
  • When querying initiatives, the tags field only contain slugs, not a full tag object with linked initiatives again.
  • Responses are zipped for size.
  • Use slugs instead of ids whereever possible.

These changes need to be reflect on several layers:

  • DB is adapted. Obviously.
  • Appropriate DB migrations created. At this stage, we could have ignored this, but now I know how to do this.
  • import script from SK3.
  • DB serializers for API. This changes the data structure given out. Particularly, initiatives don't contain the full linked tags any longer.
  • React frontend. Needed to be adapted to the new API. At many places, a additional query for tags became necessary. I refactored the code towards putting everything API-related into one module making the other parts (hopefully) more stable against API changes.

fixes #91 (closed), #132 (closed)

Further notes:

  • Turns out addresses<->initiatives are N<->M in SK3, but 1<->N in SK4, so the import was a bit broken

Merge request reports