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Bug 27378 - Enable compliance with EU Cookie Legislation via cookie consent

Aude Charillon requested to merge AudeChar/koha-manual:bz27378 into main

This was a bit tricky because there are a string of small improvements to cookies coming in 24.05... I tried to document solely bug 27378 here. I am closely watching the new bugs and will be updating the manual anyway when 24.05 is released.

I also made the executive decision to move the list of HTML customizations display locations out of the instructions and into their own section. I hope that makes sense - and that I haven't messed up too many bullet lists while doing that.

So in this merge request:

  • added CookieConsent and CookieConsentedJS sys prefs
  • added CookieConsentBar and CookieConsentPopup HTML customizations
  • added cookies to Opac chapter (nowhere to talk about them for the staff interface? Suggestions on that welcome)
  • added cookies to What's new (I chose to give them their own section so the four elements are together, rather than splitting the sys prefs and HTML customizations)

Merge request reports