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  • Matt Ward's avatar
    [DotNetCore] Allow unknown target framework projects to be loaded · ebcba0f1
    Matt Ward authored
    Fixed bug #57307 Unable to use Xamarin.iOS10 with TargetFramework
    The target framework of an SDK style project is no longer restricted.
    This allows Tizen projects to be loaded without the error message
    "Project does not support framework 'Tizen,Version=v4.0'" being
    displayed. Tizen projects have a Tizen.NET package reference which
    imports MSBuild .props file that defines the Tizen target framework.
    The MSBuild.Sdk.Extras NuGet package is now also supported so
    SDK style projects can use target frameworks that this NuGet package
    supports, such as Xamarin.iOS and MonoAndroid.
    On building an unknown target framework, that is not defined by
    any used NuGet package references, a build error that indicates
    the framework is not supported will occur:
    The TargetFramework value 'test1.0' was not recognized.
    This is the same behaviour as Visual Studio on Windows.
    NuGet restore will also fail for an unknown target framework with
    a message indicating the framework is invalid.