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Move 3D models into separate package

KiCad Bot requested to merge github/fork/aimylios/update-spec-vol7 into master

Created by: aimylios

Now that @stevefalco has split the 3D models from the Fedora upstream package [1], I suggest to do the same for the nightlies. Our users should not be forced to install the 3D models, as they occupy a lot of disk space and have to be re-downloaded as part of every new build.

We could also introduce a separate SPEC file for the 3D models, similar to what I'm doing in my kicad-nightly copr [2]. This would improve the user experience even more, as an updated package could be provided selectively only when the files were changed since the last build.

This closes issue #7 (closed) and lp:1784162. Further refactoring depends on the upstream maintainers, as I would like to keep the packaging of the nightly builds in sync to the upstream packaging.

[1] [2]

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