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Adjust MB85RS FRAM layout for wireability (SPI on one side)

John Beard requested to merge johnbeard/kicad-symbols:adjust_fram_layout into master

This is a small adjustment to the MB85RS* family of SPI FRAM (and others that share the same pinout, though they're not yet in the library, but they will derive from this one)

image.png image.png


  • Put all SPI signals on one side (the right)
  • Swap nHOLD and nWP - of the two nHOLD is more likely to go to VDD (but they can both go, or both do control signals). nWP may well go to an MCU or nRESET signal.

This does make the symbol slightly larger, but it's still quite small and saves having to split the SPI bus onto both sides of the device.


Merge request reports