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Fix KLC errors in existing symbol 74CBTLV3861 and derive new symbols for 74CBT(D)3861.

Frank Wolf requested to merge RevEngineer/kicad-symbols:Add_74CBT(D)3861 into master

This commit fixes KLC errors in already existing symbol 74CBTLV3861

and derives symbols for 74CBT3861 and 74CBTD3861. The layout of the

original was slightly changed to resemble the actual layout/position of the pins.



No footprint added as it's a generic symbol.

KLC S3.1 was not fixed a it would waste space and/or makes symbol uglier.

  • Remove the instructional content of this template
  • Provide a URL to a datasheet for the symbol(s) you are contributing
  • An example screenshot image is very helpful
  • Check the output of the automated check scripts - fix any errors as required
  • Give a reason behind any intentional library convention rule violation.
Edited by Frank Wolf

Merge request reports