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Relay and Relay_SolidState symbol cleanup

evanshultz requested to merge github/fork/evanshultz/relay-cleanup into master

Fixes #1956 (closed).

No pins changed position at all! Little to no changes to the actual symbols; this is about making things more elegant. However, there were some small changes to the solid state symbols so here are are a couple reference images: image image image image

Relay: -Pin name offset to 20mil -Use as few lines as possible -Diodes are unfilled with a middle line -Shrack relays to diagonal line coil style -Convert polylines of characters to text -Make text upright when viewed in libedit -Move NC pins to symbol outline

Relay_SolidState: -Use as few lines as possible -Diodes are unfilled with a middle line -Move NC pins to symbol outline -Set TLP148G as ALIAS of TLP141G

To avoid maintenance issues and make this the standard symbols from which users can take if they contribute new symbols, I'd really like to see this merged quickly. Thanks!

All contributions to the kicad library must follow the KiCad library convention

Thanks for creating a pull request to contribute to the KiCad libraries! To speed up integration of your PR, please check the following items:

  • Provide a URL to a datasheet for the symbol(s) you are contributing
  • An example screenshot image is very helpful
  • Ensure that the associated footprints match the official footprint library
    • A new fitting footprint must be submitted if the library does not yet contain one.
  • If there are matching footprint PRs, provide link(s) as appropriate
  • Check the output of the Travis automated check scripts - fix any errors as required
  • Give a reason behind any intentional library convention rule violation.

Merge request reports