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Pom-2244-p-c3310-2-r & generic Electret condenser Microphone

  • A screenshot of the model(s) aligned with KiCad footprint(s)
  • Source files are contributed on the apropriate location
  • Step model submitted in 1:1 scale
  • WRL model submitted in 1:2.54 scale
  • 3D model alignment checked against KiCad footprint
  • WRL model uses correct material properties
  • Geometry check performed on the model

This part is the 3D model of the POM Mic. However, a lot of Electret condenser Mics share the same model, as shown by this sreencapture from digikey. I'm proposing to add a generic 3D model for these types of mics. If you are okay with this I will add a "generic" 3D model.


Edited by integratedcircuit

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