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Added 103 auto generated models

KiCad Bot requested to merge github/fork/Misca1234/Auto_Created_3Dmodels into master

Created by: Misca1234

This push consist of 103 3D models for DFN/QFN foot prints.

The ordinary have been updated by a separate script and all 3D models can be recreated.

The script first find missing 3D models based on the parameter model in the foot print file. Then it exctract the size , pitch and perhaps an epad from the foot print file name. After that it extract the description and the pads from within the foot pritn file and finally add entries to the cq_paramter file.

It will assume some parameters such as the height and distance from pcb to body, the height is changed in 3 steps depednign of how large the body is.

I guess we have to trust the models and change those which we discover later that are wrong. Can not expect to review all 103.

There will be a another push for the rest of the missing QFN DFN models, There is a BGA push awaiting when those models that is pushed but not merged have been merged. I will make the same for DIP and soic and the other ones.

3D model push

3D model script push

Here is a couple examples of the generated models





Thanks for creating a pull request to contribute to the KiCad libraries! To speed up integration of your PR, please check the following items as you complete them:

  • A screenshot of the model(s) aligned with KiCad footprints is very useful
  • Was the 3D model(s) created in a mechanical modelling program?
  • Source files (or scripts) have been contributed
  • Step model submitted in 1:1 scale
  • WRL model submitted in 1:2.54 scale
  • 3D model alignment checked against KiCad footprint
  • WRL model uses correct material properties
  • Geometry check performed against mechanical models

Merge request reports