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add: LFCSP-24-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.3x2.3mm

  • A screenshot of the model(s) aligned with KiCad footprint(s)
  • Source files are contributed on the apropriate location
  • Step model submitted in 1:1 scale
  • WRL model submitted in 1:2.54 scale
  • 3D model alignment checked against KiCad footprint
  • WRL model uses correct material properties
  • Geometry check performed on the model

This is the datasheet I used to set up the generator script data:


Generator script MR: kicad-packages3D-generator!199 (merged)

I'm assuming the generator scripts from kicad-packages3D-generator emit the Step and WRL models with the right scales and WRL model properties.

Inspecting the model in KiCad visually and spinning it around in the preview, it does look like the footprint is aligned to the model (see the screenshot).

I'm not very adept at using FreeCAD to check the dimensions of the model. At a glance, the dimensions look OK? The only thing that's a little off is the overall dimensions of the chip, currently measuring 3.98mm instead of the nominal 4.00mm, and the pin 1 indicator is a little different than the datasheet: image image

Any other dimensions I should check?

Merge request reports