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Generate edge card connector symbols for Samtec HSEC8 with pins grouped as in layout

The Samtec HSEC8 Card Edge Connector has (for most pin-count-versions) a polarization nodge. For improved clarity between schematics and layout having this gap also visible in the connector symbol is a good thing (at least for my opinion).

I've extended the connector generator to accept an additional option pin_gap_positions, which can be used to specify that after certain numbers of pin rows an extra space should be added to be able to create groupings.


  • No gaps: set to None

This is the default, also if pin_gap_positions is missing; due to line 103:

CONNECTOR.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, ) * len(CONNECTOR._fields)

it is possible to skip certain arguments.

  • Identical gaps on all connectors: specify the rows where gaps should be introduced as a list
  pin_gap_positions=[5, 10],

This creates a connector with gaps after row 5 and row 10 (in case num_rows is big enough).

  • Gaps depending on the number of rows: specify a dictionary which maps num_rows to the list of gaps.
  pin_gap_positions={ 9: [3], 13: [5] },

This creates a gap after 3 rows for the 9-row connector and after 5 rows for the 13-row connector. In case a row-count is not a member of the dictionary, there will be no gaps for this pin count.


This screenshot is taken from one of the symbols generated by the merge request along with the related footprint (kicad-footprint-generator!811 (closed)):

HSEC8-113_symbol HSEC8-113_footprint

Related merge request: kicad-symbols!3660

Edited by Armin Schoisswohl

Merge request reports