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Add EPC23102 eGaN Power-Stage

Add EPC23102 eGaN Power-Stage


Very interesting GaN-Power-Stage IC with monolithically integrated GaN-logic for driving, bootstrap etc.. However, the dimensions of the footprint solder mask apertures are not always clear. For further verfication, that the footprint is correct, I checked the gerber files from on of the evaluation boards:

When I use this footprint on a PCB, I get the DRC-error "Front solder mask aperture bridges items with different nets".


  • "Some Silkscreen lines intersects with pads": The silkscreen lines do intersect with the copper layer. However, the mask and the copper pads in the given footprint are not the same. Instead of keeping clearance from the copper layers, clearance from the mask-layers is kept in this case.
  • "Pad(s) found with extra layers": I think this error comes from the special pad shape of the footprint and that mask and copper do not coincide.

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Edited by Philipp Swoboda

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