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add variant of HTSSOP-44 with exposed pad, used by DRV8412.


this is an variation of the existing footprint "HTSSOP-44_6.1x14mm_P0.635mm_TopEP4.14x7.01mm" adding an exposed pad for use with DRV8412 (kicad-symbols!4271 (comment 1750899923))

Screenshot: image


Land pattern: image still finds the following KLC violations:

Checking footprint 'HTSSOP-44_6.1x14mm_P0.635mm_EP4.31x8.26mm':
  Violating EC02 - (extended check)
    Pad shape checks
    Rectangular SMD pad
  Violating F6.3 -
    Pad requirements for SMD footprints
    Pad(s) potentially missing layers

F6.3 is intentional here, as the big EP is used as heatsink with a solder mask window - but is it done right?

Thanks for your work!

have fun, Thomas

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