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Added Vishay PowerPAK 8 x 8L footprint/Nexperia LFPAK88

Patrick Baus requested to merge PatrickBaus/kicad-footprints:add_LFPAK88 into master

This is a MR for the Nexperia LFPAK88. The Vishay PowerPAK 8 x 8L (not to be confused with the existing and smaller PowerPAK_SO-8L_Single or PowerPAK_SO-8L_Single) is a similar/compatible package. It required for the symbol submitted in kicad-symbols!4194 (merged).


Basic footprint image footprint

I have modeled the footprint shown above after the Nexperia LFPAK88 and subsequently also tested it with a Vishay SQJQ160E, which comes in a PowerPAK 8 x 8L package. The reason for this is twofold. First, I think Nexperia pioneered the LFPAK package 20 years ago and second Vishay markets two different packages under the name PowerPAK 8 x 8L. There is the original PowerPAK 8 x 8L package and its recommended footprint. The older package is used for the automotive SQJQ4xxEx series found here and the SiJH440E found here.

Original PowerPAK 8 x 8L Single powerPAK_package_old powerPAK_outline_old

The original PowerPAK 8 x 8L is 1.8 mm high and features metal protrusions on each side. The newer package is the PowerPAK 8 x 8L BWL also marketed as PowerPAK 8 x 8L with no distinction made in the datasheet. It is slightly thinner at 1.6 mm height and does not have the metal protrusion.

New PowerPAK 8 x 8L BWL powerPAK_package

The new PowerPAK 8 x 8L BWL is also very similar to the Nexperia LFPAK88 package including its footprint.

Nexperia LFPAK88 lfpak88_package

In order to avoid needless confusion about the Vishay package(s) I decided to use the Nexperia LFPAK88 designator for this footprint. Additionally the Nexperia footprint guidelines provide a lot more details like the solder paste layer. So here it goes:

lfpak88_footprint footprint_annotated

Edited by Patrick Baus

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