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add USB_C_Receptacle_CNCTech_C-ARA1-AK51X





  • Footprint is compliant with standard symbol Connectors_USB/USB_C_Receptacle

KLC Violations:

  • F6.2 (Footprint anchor should be placed in the middle of the component body): the footprint anchor is placed close to the vacuum pickup area depicted in the datasheet; there is no detailed description of the exact location, but the values are estimated from the drawings and the manufacturer's STEP model.
  • F7.4 (Pad requirements for THT footprints): this is a hybrid footprint which has to be mounted paste-in-hole, therefore the THT pads are also on the F.Paste layer
  • F7.5 (Minimum annular ring width): the annular ring size for the THT pads B1- B12 is 0.125mm as specified datasheet (lower than allowed by IPC-2221).
Edited by Armin Schoisswohl

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