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Added Wemos S2 mini footprint

I added a symbol for the WeMOS S2 mini


I didn't add the mounting holes, as they aren't properly specified by lolin While there's also no proper dimensions for the pin locations, the board is designed to be compatible with the D1 mini light Because of this I added two new rows of pads (adjusted the pad shapes too) This is also the reason for the pin numbering.

Symbol PR: kicad-symbols!3600

  1. Check the output of the automated check scripts - fix any errors as required.
  • Give a reason behind any intentional library convention rule violation.

Checking the footprint locally, klc checker throws errors about 3D models.

As with the D1 mini, I used existing models for pin headers and sockets.
I also re-used the old D1 mini 3D model, as it has a similar outline, though would agree that it should be removed / changed to a better model for the S2
Reason for including both headers and sockets is that for 3D modeling purposes, it's the worst case scenario when designing enclosures or similar using the board.

Depending on maintainer preferences I'll either remove it or make a model once I have boards in hand (or get lolin to generate a step file, as it seems to be designed in kicad)

image image

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