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Remove pad number "1"

Franck requested to merge Franck78/kicad-footprints:fix-moutingholes into master
  • Remove number 1

  • Add attr through_hole

fixes #2526 (closed)

Errors for all Mounting holes

Checking footprint 'MountingHole_4.3mm_M4_Pad_Via':

  Violating F5.2
    Fabrication layer requirements
    No drawings found on fabrication layer
  Violating F7.2
    For through-hole components, footprint anchor is set on pad 1
    Pad 1 not found in footprint!
  Violating F9.3
    Footprint 3D model requirements
    3D model file path missing from the 3D model settings of the footprint

This single oval Mouting-hole

Why this one alone. Suggestion to remove it !!

Checking footprint 'MountingHole_4.3x6.2mm_M4_Pad':
  Violating F5.2
    Fabrication layer requirements
    No drawings found on fabrication layer
  Violating F5.3
    Courtyard layer requirements
    Courtyard lines are not on 0.01mm grid
     - Arc (0.95,-4.55) -> (0.95,4.55) on layer 'F.CrtYd'
     - Arc (-0.95,4.55) -> (-0.95,-4.55) on layer 'F.CrtYd'
    Courtyard must be closed.
     - The following lines have unconnected endpoints
     - Arc (-0.95,4.55) -> (-0.95,-4.55) on layer 'F.CrtYd'

Merge request reports