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Closes abandoned Merge Request 373

Franck requested to merge Franck78/kicad-footprints:adding-PVA-sw into master

Closes abandoned Merge Request !373 (closed)

What was blocking it ?

Rename it according to KLC

Adding Heigh variation

And to be complete, add the PVA2


PVA2 does not have option H5 push-push, explain the name difference

xx=> OA(momentary) or OE(push-push)


Poesch is wrong about the 9.2 9.8 inversion


a rectangular square on Silks layer because lot of push-buttons have a circular one or other design.

Available 4 height (H1 H2 H3 H4) pva1

Available 5 height (H1 H2 H3 H4 H5)


Merge request reports