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Fixes: #2547 3M-7E50

Franck requested to merge Franck78/kicad-footprints:rename-3M-7E50+pdf into master

I disagree with the PTH pads and will NPTH them (if required) with the normal version of this footprint.

When this inverted 3M-7E50 is merged!

renamed to the 'inverse' version

updated PDF link

fixes these violations:

  Violating F5.3
    Courtyard layer requirements
    Courtyard must be closed.
     - The following lines have unconnected endpoints
     - Line (-4.75,26.25) -> (41.3,24.8) on layer 'F.CrtYd'
  Violating F5.4
    Elements on the graphic layer should not overlap
    F.Fab graphic elements should not overlap.
     - The following elements do overlap at least one other graphic element on the same layer
     - Line (-2.58,22.4) -> (-2.48,22.4) on layer 'F.Fab'
Edited by aris-kimi

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